Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Take Care of Your Suits

Online Store For Full-Canvas Custom Suits,Custom Dress Shirt And Custom Tuxedos At CTDTailor.
A custom suit is not that cheap let alone it is specially made to fit you and unique to you,so you should take care of your custom suit just like a investment.

Here are some advices for the maintenance of suits.
Good quality suits are usually made of natural fibers such as wool,silk,mohair,cashmere.Such suits deform through the part tension after wearing, but it will be able to recover by a proper rest.As a result,you should get more than two suits to change.

Continuously wearing suits for a week will slightly go out of style.It may take at least 3 months to recover the shape if the suit does not get sufficient rest.

It would be better to clean the suit when the season changes unless it is really dirty.
After every wash,suits damages itself ae well as ironing.The dirt is the biggest enemy which will make the suit loose fresh feeling..should be commonly brush the dust.Sometimes the suit stained with other fibers or dust not easy to get rid of ,you can use a paper tape which makes effects
Suit pocket is placed and decorated with a handkerchief, it is best not to install anything, all debris should be placed in the the suit medial dark bag. The inner pocket underneath there is a small pocket, can be placed for business cards or the lighter.  placing too many items in the pockets makes the people seem bloated, which will not only deform the suit, but also lose the chic  when wearing a suit. ?

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