Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Men's Fashion - The Well-Dressed Man Women Love

Contrary to what society wants us to believe, women are flocking to the man dangles his pants to his ankles and a value of 3 kilos of jewelery from her ears, arms and chest. In contrast, women generally prefer a man who seems straight out of GQ magazine - the man often overlooked neat and conservative. However, these cabinets clean and often conservative of the millions of people who commit suicide, so overshadowed on a daily basis. Tube socks with dress coat, ill-equipped and custom made suits, matched or coordinated more are making some of the fashion mistakes men. Do not be ashamed if you are the author of this crime against fashion. A sense of fashion does not come overnight. The following tips will help you more in fashion with easy-to-implement strategies to help your wardrobe and general attractiveness.
Fashion Crimes to avoid:
Hangover Costume
Topping the list of deviations of the woman is a man who looks portraying himself in a suit, as if he was used as pajamas the night before. Having a clean and tidy is important if you want to see the least presentable. It takes little to go on your clothes with an iron from the night before, or at least keeping your clothes clean once a week cleaning your neighborhood to invest.

Taste the rainbow
Believe it or not, women are even subtle combinations. Then you can understand why it is important to choose wisely when coordinating your shirts, ties and jackets. There are some models that are faced. Take, for example, suicide following combination: a plaid jacket, polka dot tie and striped shirt. This model is also concentrated in one place. A wise one. A model should not dominate the other. Instead, you should raise your counterpart. When you combine elements combine colors, patterns, want to make your outfit pop. Help to mix dark colors with lighter partner in the color wheel in a position to both elements a statement, without being overbearing be.
The Roman soldiers
Look, we know you have muscles! No need to exaggerate sewn with 5-inch pads in their costumes. Avoid this area like the plague.
Shaggy Dog
Did you forget that you have a head too? Not the man who dresses well --- from the neck. The package also includes the head. Make sure you clean shaven, a decent haircut and sport unibrow one. Women are visual creatures and take mental notes even small details.
Metro Man Phobia
No fashion sense not less manly. Objects such as a layer setting, the right sleeve length, polished shoes and accessories go a long way in the right supplement or ruin the image of a gentleman. The cleaning is not necessarily expensive. Men are often too slow to warm up to the styling changes. Like women, men need a little color into your wardrobe too! If the casing is made of only a white shirt, it's time to spice things up. Look for colors that complement your complexion. If you are unsure which to choose colors that you seek advice from women who know your life, or the sales associate at Macy's. In addition, "soft" is not a term monopolized by women. Men can your wardrobe with items such as a scarf, cufflinks, a clock, or even transform a dull outfit adapt in a fabulous costume.

Terrible Tube Socks
Did you know that women have a man to enjoy sweet? However, failure to ruin sweet tooth to satisfy every woman your outfit with the flash tube socks white with a black dress and patent leather shoes. No more impressive spectacle than to see flashes of white socks under the legs of a well dressed man. To avoid this costly mistake, socks should be black and solid mixture or with the color and style as well as the finest silk or cotton / nylon blend. Besides choosing the right hardware sock, men. Also pay attention to the length of their socks It is not the man that crosses her leg and casually shows a hairy leg stump between the cuff of his pants and the exposed top of the shoe. Finally, do not walk out the door with shoes that look like you just went through a construction site. Rough shoes can ruin a beautiful dress. Make sure your shoes before you polished the door.
A man is to decide, as a large buffet, where you have time, what you wear. In order to effectively coordinate their teams and the assessment of their appearance before they make out of the door, you can see that they are not included in the packages Fashion faux pas committers.
Yolanda Morris is a freelance journalist by day,suits at night and in the early hours of the morning. Examine if not, you will find the latest hot topic sweaters for her Chihuahua, while TiVo your favorite show.

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